IFAT 2022
30 May - 3 June 2022
Munich, Germany
Krofta Supplies Supracell DAF unit for FOG removal in an Edible Oil Plant in Indonesia
Krofta trusted partner and integrator Aquakimia Sdn Bhd in Malaysia successfully integrated a Krofta Supracell DAF (SPC-15) for the removal of FOG in one of the largest EdibleOil Refinery Plant in Indonesia located at Dumai, Sumatra. The Krofta DAF is installed to reduce the incoming FOG content by more than 95%. After the DAF, the water goes to the existing aeration tank which has been upgraded to an MBR System.
Without increasing the aeration tank footprint, and through the addition of the Krofta DAF and the MBR system, the existing #wastewater plant can now treat up to 250% of the original capacity.